YLYB #71: Football Finale or Playoff Pitstop

Tomorrow we play our first, and hopefully not last playoff football game.  We have made the playoffs three other times since I’ve been the yearbook teacher here.  We have not advanced before and we’d really like to see what the second round is like.

Football fridays are a lot of work, but it’s all worth it when the team wins and everyone gets to celebrate all the hard work of taking photos and shooting video.  Wish us luck.

YLYB #70: Photo Day Part Dos

We got it done.  All the photos are now backed up on DVDs, our main file store and a time machine backup.  I am always nervous until we have multiple copies of the approximately 2600 photos (10.6 GB).  I didn’t get a photo of our setup, but I do hope to post one soon, maybe on retake day.

The second day of photos always seems harder, even though we have fewer classes.  Maybe it is because I usually schedule all the freshmen on the second day.  I don’t like to have freshmen on the first day, because they tend to have more problems behaving.  The first day is when we find all the problems with the schedule, classes with no cards, etc.

We got it done and now we just have to get the photos cropped and toned.  Fun.  Yeah.