Summer Camp: Texas A&M Day 1

The first day of camp is always the hardest. It started with my photo editor not showing up, but she had given me a little preview that she would not show earlier. So, then we got started a little late. There was a lot of traffic today because the camp is on a weekend in the summer and not during the week like it used to be, but we made it.

The camp is much more compact this year and it seems to be well organized. They kicked off the opening with the Texas Aggie yell leaders – inside this year and not at Kyle Field. While Kyle Field has a lot of ambiance, it is not air conditioned. Inside was better. I think the kids might “get” the yell leaders better if they showed a short video clip of the student body doing the yells at Kyle Field during a game. You just don’t understand the power of that tradition until you see it.

This group of editors is going to be a challenge. They like the marketing class they are in, but they are just not leaders. I really need to find a way to recruit for leadership. That is the hardest part for them to get.

The broadcast kids are off to a decent start and their group seems motivated. They are going to work with Final Cut Express – that Rox the Sox! I am excited about that.

I must have walked at least four miles today. I’m very tired and hope tomorrow goes smoothly.

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